
Эффективность бычьего лактоферрина в послеоперационном лечении пациентов, страдающих от остеонекроза челюстей: открытое исследование

2020-06-05 20:21 Это интересно

Efficacy of bovine lactoferrin in the post-surgical treatment of patients suffering from bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: an open-label study.

Frances co Calv ani . Antimo Cutone . Maria Stefania Lepanto . Luigi Rosa .Valentino Valentini . Piera Valenti.


Osteonecrosis of the jaws is an emerging pathological condition characterized by un-exposure or exposure of the necrotic bone, independently from the etiology. This term is usually referred to medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws due to severe adverse reaction to certain medicines, as bisphosphonates, used for the treatment of cancer and osteoporosis. The management of patients with BisphosphonateRelated Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (BRONJ) remains challenging because surgical and medical interventions may not eradicate this pathology. The goal of treatment of patients at risk of developing BRONJ or of those who have active disease is the preservation of quality of life by controlling pain, managing infection, and preventing the development of new areas of necrosis. The treatment of osteonecrosis consists in the surgical removal of necrotic bone followed by antibiotic therapy and application of sterile greasy gauze until the wound closure. The classical medical treatment has been compared with the innovative one consisting in the application of sterile greasy gauze soaked with bovine lactoferrin (bLf) after surgery. Here, for the first time, bLf efficacy on wound repair in subjects suffering from BRONJ with the progressive destruction of bone in the mandible or maxilla has been demonstrated. The positive results consist in a significant shorter time of wound closure (1 or 2 weeks) compared to that observed with classical surgical treatment (2–3 months). These promising results are an interesting tool for the innovative treatment of this pathology and for increasing the quality of life of these patients.

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